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Weekend Media FestivalRovinj, 18. - 21. 09. 2014.

Welcome to Weekend 2014.

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions

Why do we finance start-ups?

Start-up has become one of the most frequent terms in today’s business. Technological parks, co-working areas and accelerators are sprouting up in hundreds, even thousands of locations, hoping to recreate at least a portion of Silicon Valley’s success.

The majority of the world’s countries, cities, as well as many companies, support the growth of start-up companies, in one way or another, as do all the countries in the region. Following phenomenal results of a series of start-up companies, we would like to examine what are the benefits for a country and/or city which finance start-ups (using public funds)? Do small, fringe countries get an effective return or are they only subsidizing markets of the central countries where most of the successful start-ups end up? What are the benefits for countries and cities, and what are the benefits for companies, and how to achieve them?